Privacy Policy


At Psymonn, we work hard to protect user privacy and have designed this privacy policy so that you have a full understanding of the ways we use, store, disclose and secure the personal data that become available to us from your use of our website. We will take your use of the website as your approval of our collection, usage, disclosure, and safekeeping of your personal information.

It is essential that you check back regularly so that you are always aware of our most current privacy policy. When we make changes this privacy policy, your subsequent use of the service shall be taken as your acceptance of the changed policy.
You understand and accept that this privacy policy also specifically incorporates our terms and conditions.

When you become a Psymonn user, we may gather some personal details about you, including but not restricted to your legal name, home address, and email address. We may also gain access to some other information that does not identify you directly.
Willingly provided information: When you use our services, we may ask you to provide personal information including your legal name, your e-mail address, your telephone number, and contact address. We obtain this kind of information from you when you register a user account, communicate with us through the service, as well as when you communicate with other users.
Payment information: All users of our service are liable for a subscription, and we will require information such as your credit or debit card details to honor your payment. Please note that all payment information is stored safely with Stripe as our third-party payment services provider.

Automatically-collected information: Our servers routinely collect certain information about users' IP address, device, contacts, server logs, data usage, data preference, clickstream data, and operating system. This category of information does not personally identify any user, and we gather them simply to understand the general statistics of the users that use our services.

Below are the reasons we may require you to provide us with your personal information:

We may collect, store, and/or process your personal information because we have a legally binding contract with you; you have given your approval to the processing of such information; we provide you with our services; and in compliance with relevant law.

We may disclose your information under these specific circumstances:

Our website is not made for the use of children, and we under no circumstances, obtain personal information from individuals younger than 18, except with parental consent or as allowed by law. 

We always take the safety of users’ information very seriously. For this reason, we encrypt all user data and deploy a first-class security system to keep user information away from unauthorized people. Despite our care, we will not be responsible for any loss or misuse of personal information that we cannot control, being that there is no full assurance for data communications occurring over the Internet.

As most other websites do, Psymonn uses the cookies technology to run the website, to analyze trends, and to garner aggregate demographic information about our users.  You, however, have the choice of disabling cookies with the condition that you will be unable to fully use some areas or features of our website.

We may, in certain cases, transfer, store, and/or process users' personal information in countries outside of where you access and use the service. For example, your personal information may be transferred, administered, and/or stored outside of the EEA if you are located in the EEA.
You understand and accept that all international transfer of personal information will be made in accordance with pertinent law.

You have the following rights under the GDPR:
Right to information: This privacy policy does its best to inform you as transparently as possible about how we use users’ personal information.

Right to access your information: You have the right to gain access to, delete, or update any information that we have about you. Where you are unable to perform the deletion or update of your personal information by yourself, please ask for our help.

Right to correction of personal information: Where you believe that the information that we hold about you is inaccurate, you may ask us to correct such information.

Right to object to how we process your information: You have the right to object to our use of your personal data for direct marketing reasons.

Right to the deletion of your personal information: You have the right to ask us to remove or delete your personal information if there is no legal reason for us to continue to process it.

Right to demand the transfer of your personal information: You have the right to ask us to transfer your personal information in a machine-readable, generally used, and organized form to a third party.

The right to withdraw your consent: You have the right to withdraw your approval to the use of your personal information.
To implement any of your rights, please email us at